O’Dwyers GAA

Founded 1918

Co. Dublin

Senior men running a World Cup first goal competition

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World Cup First Goal Competition

The Adult Mens Footballers are running the above competition as part of their fundraising in 2023.

€10 entry fee will cover you for 5 games. Each entrant will receive a minute for each game. Whoever has the winning minute wins and receives €100. (5 games = 5 chances to win €100). No effort required after payment.

Places are filling up. To enter, please contact one of the following by Friday evening:

James Devoy 0861679966

Arron Keenan 0851246819

Graham Ward 0879180588

Ciaran Gaye 0872352316

Game 1: 26/11 Argentina v Mexico

Game 2: 27/11 Spain v Germany

Game 3: 28/11 Portugal v Uruguay

Game 4: 29/11 England v Wales

Game 5: 1/12 Croatia v Belgium