As our new development is getting ever closer to be realised, we need to commence planning from a club perspective, how we are going to move forward with the development and getting up and running.
My name is Dave Rooney and I am a member of our club Executive and I have been tasked to commence planning for our move to our new club development with this in mind, I am seeking to create a Committee under the Development Strategy area to consider the following areas which will ensure a smooth transition from existing club house at Bremore Park to our New Club development.
The areas which will fall under the remit of this project will be the below which is not exhaustive list;
1. Transition
- What do we need to bring with us
- When do we need to move it ( do we need to factor in a phased transition )
- How do we move it
2. Finance
- Forecast cost requirement Day to Day
- Additional costs to get ready for set up
3. Mobilisation /Ramp up for FDOP ( First Day of Play )
- Transition of teams to new playing schedule
- Allocation of pitches / Ball wall / Training Hall
- Storage area fit out & Allocation
- Juvenile goal storage
- Training room fit out
4. Social Activities
- Bar Set up & Management
- Launch event
- Future planning & management
- Activities
- Shop Set up & Management
5. Facility Management / Up keep
- Pitch maintenance
- CE Workers WoW
- Security considerations
- Set up and co-ordinate rental of elements Multipurpose rooms, sports hall.
6. Facility Set up
- Training prior to handover for all the technical elements. Lift, pumps, alarm system. Heating systems, controls, cold room, fire systems, generator.
- Maintenance contracts set up for all items. Lift ,pumps, alarm, heating systems, boiler, generator, pest control, field and landscape,
- Fire drills need to be carried out periodically.
What do we need
Expertise in finance, engineering, events, facilities, transport, Building & Bar Management IT, Project Management, PR and communication - Preferably not members of existing committees as these are already busy with day to day activities with running the club
What will I have to do in the committee
- Participate in workshops ( max 1 a week ) over March & April to finalise a plan for the transition
- Support ( Optional ) going forward with sub committees to implement the plan
What are the Next Steps
1. Register your interest by emailing developmentofficer@odwyersgaa.com with your contact details and area of skills or when you can support
2. Kick off meeting will be held in early March to map out the plan for the coming months