O’Dwyers GAA

Founded 1918

Co. Dublin

O'Dwyers Patron Scheme - Update

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Our O'Dwyers Patron scheme is still open for new Patrons, we are slowly approaching our target of €150K - currently we have 59 Patrons signed up which amounts too €64K

So if you can spare €10 a week - or two coffees, then please sign up so we can achieve our Club target and secure funding for our New Club Development

All information regarding the Pat bon scheme can be found on our Club website


Haven't donated yet? It couldn't be easier. Simply visit our website here https://odwyersgaa.com/patron/ or contact the fundraising team on 087 9702479 or email donationqueries@odwyersgaa.com

If you cannot get to a bank to set up transfer or standing order, please get in contact so we can work out an alternative with you.