O’Dwyers GAA

Founded 1918

Co. Dublin

GAA nationwide Survey to inform the National Strategic Plan

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Strategic Planning Survey

A chara,

You may have seen that the GAA launched a major strategic planning survey last week to give all players, members, and supporters an opportunity to shape the Association’s next five-year strategic plan. Here is a link to the press release:


For the first time, we used Foireann to send the survey link directly to the e-mail address of every eligible member. This has resulted in 14,000 responses which is an encouraging start.

However, we would like to increase this number even more to ensure as many members as possible contribute.

The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, and the deadline is 2 p.m. this Friday, 24 September.

As a member or supporter of the association Have your say now by completing the survey:


You can keep up-to-date and learn more at: https://www.gaa.ie/the-gaa/administration/strategic-plan

Is muide le meas,

Labhrás Mac Carthaigh Tomás Ó Riain

Uachtarán Ard Stiúrthóir