O’Dwyers GAA

Founded 1918

Co. Dublin

GAA COVID - Update 24th March 2021

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See below a summary of the recent communication from the GAA regarding COVID status and updates for clubs

Clubs in the 26 Counties/National Fixtures Programme

In terms of the immediate future, it is expected that the Government in the South will publish any proposed changes to the current restrictions by the end of next week and we will communicate again with our Clubs and County’s at that point in terms of the implications for GAA activity.

Clubs in the 6 Counties

The recent proposed changes to regulations North of the border have significant implications for Clubs in the 6 Counties.

A review by the NI Executive will be held on the week of April 5th and presuming restrictions are then eased as proposed, the following activities will be allowed from April 12th onwards for Clubs only in the 6 Counties:

Dublin Co. Board Statement

Dublin Co. Board appreciate that everyone is tired of the Covid-19 pandemic and hopefully we are now entering the final lap of our journey back to the resumption of our games.

In the meantime, GAA club grounds must stay closed. Dressing rooms, gyms, showers, and all other indoor training facilities should remain closed for activities. No indoor meetings can be held.

As clocks go forward next Saturday, please advise all players to continue to abide by the government restrictions and to also respect the property of our clubs and that of other clubs.

Hopefully we will have better news to share in the coming weeks in the meantime please encourage all players to engage with their team coaches/mentors to get involved and to prepare for the resumption of training and games.

Covid Supervisor Team