Week 6 of our Team club lotto competition
It remains the same at the top of the leaderboard with G4MO still maintaining their consistent sales week on week. However OgDwyers & u7 Academy Team are BACK with good sales last week after the gap week due to poor weather. The gap is very narrow with the top 2 with a sizeable gap with 3rd place
G4MO ( Gaelic 4 Mothers & Others ) - Total Sales: €291
OgDwyers & u7 Academy - Total Sales: €265
U16 Boys - Total Sales: €146
With two weeks remaining can OgDwyers nip ahead of G4MO and win the prize at the end of the 8 week competion. It might be a frantic Saturday morning @ OgDwyers..........Can any of the other teams break into the top 3 in the final two weeks ???
Thanks for your continued support
Your Fundraising Committee & Lotto Committee