Dear members
Following on from internal reviews and discussions of a number approaches as a result of the welcome COVID guideline changes last night.It has been agreed that for this evenings Senior ladies game vs Templogue Synge St, we will proceed as follows;
90 O'Dwyers supporters will be permitted into the club for the durtion of the game ( 10 have been reserved for Templogue travelling support ) The enterance will be based on a first come basis and access will close upon reaching the 100 supporters guideance.
We would request that all members adhere to this new guideline and please respect the judgement of the Stewards on the gates. We are all trying to manage our way through these challenging times and you cooperation and patience is needed. We appreciate your support and we know no one wants to be turned away at the gates but we need to adhere to the guidelines.
Can we also request that no supporters enter the club via the gate behind the goal as this is to facilitate collection of Balls only and is not for general access. It is a distraction to goalkeepers to have supporters congregate near or close to the goals.
Thank you again for your patience and support
Club Exec Team.