O’Dwyers GAA

Founded 1918

Co. Dublin

Our u12 girls had 3 teams in action on Saturday😎💪🏼🟢⚪️☘️

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WOW! Our u12 girls were a force to be reckoned on Saturday with FOURTY FOUR girls representing the club😱😱😱😱😱

We had 3 teams out in 3 different locations!!!💚Having three teams means plenty of game time for everybody!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 it’s safe to say this bunch are really going from #strengthtostrength each and every week🥳🥳🥳

Big shoutout to the team coaches who give up their time training the team and organising fun activities for all☘️⚪️🟢💪🏼

Our juvenile section is proudly sponsored by Moriarty's SuperValu Balbriggan

#giveitatry #GAAWhereWeAllBelong