Deis iontach do bhaill óga an chlub freastal ar an nGaeltacht i 2025. Tuilleadh eolais agus foirm iarratais ó odwyersscor@gmail.com.
A fantastic opportunity for young members to attend the Gaeltacht in 2025.(2 for A and 2 for B)😎 Further information and application form from odwyersscor@gmail.com🤩🤩🤩
Please apply by 22nd September if you are interested !!!!😱💚💫🌟😆
Deis iontach do bhaill óga an chlub freastal ar an nGaeltacht i 2025. Tuilleadh eolais agus foirm iarratais ó odwyersscor@gmail.com.
A fantastic opportunity for young members to attend the Gaeltacht in 2025.(2 for A and 2 for B)😎 Further information and application form from odwyersscor@gmail.com🤩🤩🤩
Please apply by 22nd September if you are interested !!!!😱💚💫🌟😆