As always we would still like to hear from you.
If you have any points, queries or topics which you would like raised with the Exec please email Secretary in confidence and we will endeavor to respond to you as soon as possible. Alternatively reach out to a member of the Exec Committee and topics can be raised to the Exec meeting agenda for review.
New Development Progress Update
Progress has been steady within the development albeit not always visible. The lower floor of the club house is complete pending final fit outs. The sports hall finish is slightly delayed due to a grant award and clarifications. Upstairs within the club is still in progress with the provision for lift services nearing completion.
Our timelines have been impacted by the delays with the external factors and partners primarily the commencement of the main gate and approval for sewage solution. We are working very closely with them at all levels to expedite the process and remove any blockers. Fingal Co. Co are also eager for the development to complete and for us to commence with our transition and have committed additional resources and support to achieve this.
Progress to date and pending Areas
- Our initial timelines of commencement of works for new main gate at the end of May was not achieved by Fingal. The latest update we have received as of last week is that the contract has been awarded to a contractor and the works are intended to commence shortly. We are pushing for confirmation of this commencement date.
- Sewage solution way leaves submitted and agreement pending and dates to be confirmed which has been submitted by Fingal Co.Co and is in progress with Meath Co.Co and Irish Water
- Design & feasibility in progress for upstairs meeting room and function areas has been delayed but we envisage that this will be finalized in mid August - with inputs from the club member transition group.
- Formal deeds & lease has been closed and provided to the club for the new development
Further Updates
- We have made significant progress within the development with negotiations for the extension of the footprint of the development which will provide us with additional scope for inclusion of more facilities in the medium term
- Through the efforts of the team we have secured a further 100K grant funding with a further 54K approved and an additional 300K grants are under review or in progress and we expect updates over the coming months
- Our corporate team have also made further gains by securing a new Platinum Partner Glenveagh Homes
In summary, upon the commencement of works on the main gate this will allow us to proceed with the external works within the development, the indicative timelines for the completion of this work is circa 12 weeks. In conjunction with this the final internals have commenced and assuming no further delays the same timelines will be achieved.
There is one caveat that we would like to flag in that some elements of the internals may be delayed due to grant awards and adherence to the respective selection criteria.What this means is that if we want to apply for a grant for certain parts of the development, we cannot start this work until the grant has been awarded. It is crucial that we avail of as many grants as possible. This impact will be evaluated in line with commercial focus to deliver a debt free development vs the timelines to open.
The club Exec and development committees appreciate the patience shown by the members to date and understand the frustrations with the delays. However the focus and commitment remains unwavering to deliver a state-of-art development as close to debt free as possible.
As always if any member would like further information or clarifications please email our secretary Paul Tapley at or alternatively reach out to a member of the club Executive.