O’Dwyers GAA

Founded 1918

Co. Dublin

Important notice now that the rain has stopped and we are back on the field💚

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Now that rain has stopped and we are getting teams back out, we would like to remind players, parents & supporters of our club code of conduct💚 Please see the document in the photo above or the text below 💚

Young Players are eager to enjoy and benefit from the support they receive from parents, guardians, friends and other members of the Club who attend our games as spectators and supporters. Active, loyal and well behaved supporters are always welcome to attend and support our games but should be aware that their conduct will reflect upon the team, players and Clubs that they support and represent. Fellow supporters have a responsibility to ensure that all spectators conduct themselves in an acceptable and well behaved manner at all times, when attending our games and competitions. Unacceptable conduct by supporters should be reported to stadium stewards or officials in charge. Supporters should realise and consider that Young Players are encouraged to participate in Gaelic Games so that they may enjoy themselves while also improving their skills levels

  O’ Dwyer’s GAA- Code of Behaviour:
   • Applauding good performance and efforts from your Club’s players and from your opponents, regardless of the result.
• Condemning the use of violence in any form, be it by fellow spectators, coaches, officials or players.
• Encouraging players to participate according to the rules and the referees’ decisions.
• Demonstrating appropriate behaviour by not using foul language or harassing players, coaches or
• Not entering the field of play, before, during or after a game, unless specifically invited to do so by an
official in charge.
• Respecting the decisions of all officials.
• Never ridiculing or scolding a player for making a mistake during games or competitions.
• Showing respect to your Club’s opponents. Without them there would be no games or competitions.
• Upholding the principles of FAIR PLAY and RESPECT for all.
   Let us ensure that everyone working on our behalf emphasises FAIR PLAY, RESPECT, EQUALITY, SAFETY and NO DISCRIMINATION in all aspects of our work with children and young people