O’Dwyers GAA

Founded 1918

Co. Dublin

AGM follow up from the executive committee💚

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Hi all,

We would like to extend our thanks to you all for taking the time to attend our Annual General Meeting on Thursday 30th November. We really appreciate it.

We wish to thank our outgoing executive members for all of their consistent hard work to help our club go from strength to strength. A particular mention must go to Paul Finn, who is stepping down as secretary after numerous years of commitment and dedication to his role, leading by example at all times. Thank you Paul for all of your efforts. You will be greatly missed.

Our outgoing executive committee comprised of;

Chairperson: Liam Howley

Secretary: Paul Finn

Treasurer: Martin Valentine

Assistant chairperson:Tom Devoy

Strategic development officer: Dave Rooney

PRO: Leah Brady

Fundraising representative:Janice O’Rourke

Coaching&games officer:Paul Tapley

Social officer: Dorinda Byrne

Registrar:Karen Heron

Integration officer: Malachy Quinn

Cultural officer: Aisling Gibbons Duff

Introducing our new executive members, we have Denise Corcoran as coaching and games officer, Graham Bassett as strategic development officer, Aoife Curran as players’ representative and Aidan Smith as facilitates officer.

Our incoming committee is as follows

Chairperson: Liam Howley

Secretary: Paul Tapley

Treasurer: Martin Valentine

Assistant chairperson:Dave Rooney

Strategic development officer: Graham Bassett

PRO: Leah Brady

Fundraising representative:Janice O’Rourke

Coaching&games officer:Denise Corcoran

Social officer: Dorinda Byrne & Helen Doherty

Registrar:Karen Heron

Assistant registrar: Tom Devoy

Integration officer: Malachy Quinn

Cultural officer: Aisling Gibbons Duff

Facilities officer:Aidan Smith

Players’ representative:Aoife Curran

Childrens’ officer: Mary Kenny

We look forward to 2024 , where we make our big move across the road…. (3D image above) Exciting year ahead💚